  • 品牌:伊米勒
  • 产地:中国 浙江温州
  • 发布日期: 2022-01-08
  • 更新日期: 2023-03-09
用途 酿酒、饮料、乳制品、制药等
通径范围 50.5-119
材质 304
连接方式 快装,螺纹,法兰。焊接
流体方向 直通
密封材料 硅胶、三元乙丙、丁腈、氟橡胶
驱动方式 手动








Butterfly valve is a kind of valve that uses a disc opening and closing member to reciprocate about 90° to open, close or adjust the flow of the medium. Butterfly valve not only has simple structure, small size, light weight, low material consumption, small installation size, small driving torque, simple and fast operation, but also has good flow regulation function and closing sealing characteristics at the same time. One of the fastest valve varieties. Butterfly valves are widely used. The variety and quantity of its use are still expanding, and it is developing towards high temperature, high pressure, large diameter, high sealing performance, long life, excellent adjustment characteristics, and multi-function of one valve. Its reliability and other performance indicators have reached a high level.

With the application of chemically resistant synthetic rubber on the butterfly valve, the performance of the butterfly valve has been improved. Since synthetic rubber has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, dimensional stability, good resilience, easy forming, and low cost, synthetic rubber with different properties can be selected according to different use requirements to meet the working conditions of butterfly valves.

Because polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) has strong corrosion resistance, stable performance, not easy to age, low friction coefficient, easy to form, and stable in size, and its comprehensive properties can be improved by filling and adding appropriate materials, resulting in better strength and friction. The butterfly valve sealing material with a lower coefficient overcomes the limitations of synthetic rubber, so the polymer materials represented by PTFE and its filling and modified materials have been widely used in butterfly valves, so that the performance of butterfly valves is improved. It has been further improved, and a butterfly valve with a wider temperature and pressure range, reliable sealing performance and longer service life has been produced.

浙江米勒是国内专业生产卫生级法兰蝶阀,卫生级法兰蝶阀生产厂家,产品广泛应用于食品、制药、乳品、酿酒、化工等,产品贯彻国际标准,严格按照ISODINIDF3ASMS等卫生标准生产制造,欢迎来电咨询 卫生级法兰蝶阀,卫生级法兰蝶阀生产厂家。我们为您提供优质的产品。